Special Rule - skill - "sharpshooter"
Marine Player skill - SharpshooterCampaign XP - purchase for 15 xp
This is a skill which I added many years ago having played the game extensively. This skill adds the ability for a marine player to use the SMG weapon in a secondary mode in place of firing the weapon normally.
Effects of sharpshooter SMG attacks:
1 Yellow, 2 Green dice - (reason: slightly less damage potential, while possible increase of range)
Attack benefits:
+1 range
+1 damage
The attack automatically counts as an aimed attack
Ammo expenditure - Shotgun / blow-through
Ammo expenditure - Chain-Gun / blow-through
The attacks of the chain-gun are made because of the vast number of shells it spits out, as such I consider that the chain-gun has a high level of upkeep in regard to ammo consumption, to represent this any attack including blow-through attacks made by a chain-gun DOES spend an ammo token if the dice presents the ammo icon.
Weapon breakages
To follow a more dynamic campaign the marine weapons have a potential to break through wear and tear, or simple malfunction. at ANY time where the initial attack roll presents a miss (cross) the marine player regardless of any re-rolls allowed for continuing the attack (such as aimed attack) will then roll the 'miss' dice again. should the dice present another miss (cross) event the weapon is considered to become unusable.
The only divergences from this rule are that attacks made with a pistol must then roll the dice again and only break upon a third roll of the miss (cross) face, attacks made using fists ignore the breakage rule entirely.