Monday, 19 March 2012

Wrong time, Wrong place

This is somewhat out of place, we decided against our normal routine to play a game of Doom the board game this week instead of Battlestar Galactica or Risk... or just getting incredibly drunk.

This came about due to a lack of social interaction, probably caused by 'mothers day' So. Aside from the normal schedule we ran a one off game, Denz took the role of invader (just so he could have a go and see what it was like)

Myself (Rich) took a marine players role along with Ace (Amber) and codename:"That other guy we know" (Craig)

 Denz decided to run the 1st scenario and to help create a fun one off we chose to all start with three marine skill cards each;

Rich had:
Big Guy (tougher in melee combat)
Efficient Killer (better effect & use of certain guns)
Lean & Mean (capable of looking out for incoming attack)

Amber [Ace] had:
Killer Instinct (a literal killing machine)
Sniper (easier to get sight of targets)
Danger Sense (able to avoid being overwhelmed)

"that other guy we know" Craig had:
Prepared (able to interfere with negative game effects)
Front Guard (able to take on multiple targets at once)
Special Ops (able to deal massive amounts of damage)

 Being that I personally know the game quite well, and have been through level 1 many times as a player and as the invaders I tried to take a back-role, not wanting to spoil the game for Craig who had never played before.

 The game started well with a good rush through the main 'start route' [start room > corridor area 1 > area 2] and into what some would say is the pivotal corridor of the 1st level [Area 3]
We were working well as a group, dispatching the invaders that Denz was throwing at us and avoiding most problems. The the 1st frag then occured, followed VERY quickly by a 2nd and Denz found good use for two cards effectively locking doors and separating the team into different areas. (see the picture to the right -> )

From that point the marine players found that they were pushed trying to get any advance into the northern connecting corridor [Area 5]

Perhaps foolishly I decided to use a game mechanic I call 'spawn jumping' to overcome our stalled advance, essentially using the opportunity when spawning to spawn well ahead of where the character died. This led us to get into the final room, but in doing so, we sacrificed safety in numbers having spawned well away from our team mates and at the same time caused the invaders to have a huge number superiority over us, simply, we were drowning in demons!

We could see the red security door, we even briefly had the red key-card holder (which happened to be myself) in the same room as the red security door... but then several Daemons and Hellknights decided to introduce several of the marine team to what is known as 'a right royal ass whupping' It was a brave attempt at a late game rush, but Denz ... the all-mighty DM (Doom Meister) didn't hold back and once more defeated the marines of the UAC.

 Game Map: (click to enlarge)

black line = team progress
red line = red marine (Rich)
blue line = blue marine (Craig)
green line = green marine (Amber)

Approximately 14 bottles of beer and 3 bottles of cider were consumed in the making of this game session