Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Level 4 - Game 2 - Session 13

Being that this game is a pick up from the 'pause' that we put in place last time round It may be worth catching up on the previous post just to remind yourselves of what went down...

Doom board game, Bearded Dragon
It's not just 'invaders' in the game: Bearded dragon invasion!
We join the marines in what is Area 3 as they see off a Hellknight and sally toward the teleporters, due to the Marines having successfully gained both 'parts' of the pass code in Area 1 they are allowed to (unbeknown to the players) skip ahead and forgo several back and forth excursions to the correct path.

Instead they leap straight into Area 6, and promptly dispatch the hoard of Zomies and Trites that await them the team of three marines now easily overpowering any and all demons that dare get in their way, Mancubus explode in ribbons of gooey ichor at a single well placed grenade from Ace, Marty fells opponent after opponent his sharpened reactions allowing him to deftly bring death to even the mighty Hellnights that spawn before him.

Denz, the commander of the group happy that his deadly pistol seems time and time again to be more powerful than even the shotguns. Soon however, the wear and tear begins to show as the guns the marines are using begin to catastrophically fail, two of the teams shotguns fall apart in the midst of a heated fight-fight.

Doom Board Game Map, level 4, thy flesh consumed
Map showing the progression of the Marines through the level.

Doom, board game, tabletop
Unperturbed by the malfunctioning weapons Ace grits her teeth and swings round the BFG that she'd been carrying, some convenient Plasma Ammo (Plammo) is slamming into the firing mechanism of the almighty weapon and the blinding blast that she unleashed vaporises several large demons as well as a cadre of lesser more fleshy targets...

The blast so awesome that the force of it plants ace on her ass as she is hit by the backblast suffering heavy wounding and a singed fringe.

Marty, not wanting to be outdone in the high stakes high explosive shenanigans runs into a storeroom (Area 7) and smashes hi fists through the metal casing of a highly explosive barrel, the result is a cartoon like Marty stood with wisps of smoke rising from his armour and dead Zombies splattered in a neat circle around him.

As the team thrust their way into the depths of the level they use up a couple of their respawns, even these mightly fighters are defeated by a constant barrage of demons tearing at them and assailing them with weapons both mundane and supernatural... but with all three marines at full health, the future doesnt look good for the deamons which lay in wait for them ahead.

Doom, board game, tabletop,
That's the smile of someone with a BFG!
The team gathers itself before the final section is opened, Ace wielding a now glowing BFG, Marty head to toe covered with blood, gore and smouldering armour and Denz now with his SMG shouldered ready to pick off targets at range.

The final assaault is bloody but brief, the BFG quickly and easily outmatching the last Hellnights of this sector, and the Cyberdemon roars in humiliation as it's final wound is taken by Denz who calmly stands in front of the towering monster and punches is square in the face.

Onward to the final Sector! and the escape from Mars base!