Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Level 2 - Game 4 - Session 5

Sadly no pictures of the game, and more importantly, very bad recollection of the game but that's my fault (sorry)

The players were more aggressive in this round, Marty being exceptionally brave ... (foolish?) and spawn jumping from recent deaths into a no-hope situation which then led to another death, Interestingly however at every stage the players have become harder to kill, their skill cards now causing more interrupts and failed Invader attacks than I care to deal with.

The first couple of rooms were dealt with by shotgun and chainsaw seeing off everything, then area 2, the room which is considered permanently dark was slowly bunted into and a couple of cheeky kills taken on easy target players.

They entered into the largest room, (Area 4) with gusto even though I as invader played an entire stack of cards to bully them away. The Hellknight and Mancubi that dwell in the room were demolished by some eager Marine player moves, Marty getting stuck in with chainsaw and shotgun, Ace taking an incredibly powerful shot from distance and the well armoured Denz seeing off the smaller more Trite like invaders ... there were lots of Trites...

doom, cyberdemon
Having deftly dealt with one of the areas which until now had always been their demise the players moved onward, running through the last sets of corridor using the BFG to mow a path through all that stood in front of them and the 'teleportation station' which led them to the final room with the exit red security door... they didn't have the key, but the room did have a big and rather angry Cyberdemon and while the players made an excellent effort at making it 'less there' It had other idea's and decided to evaporate one of the marines, taking the last frag and ending the round.

After the game was done, Denz took a new skill card, pulling 'Crack Shot' allowing him to really exploit ranged attacks, Marty too had enough XP to boost his character, deciding to improve his base armour level.