Friday, 19 April 2013

It's been a while...

A slight apology for the extended absence, we recently had an extra member join our little gaming circle, and we're more inclined to play games which can meet the requirements of 5 or 6 players... as such Doom The Board Game has been sat on my shelf quietly seething with demonic power.

To that end I will give a quick shout out to Ben... and a hearty welcome to the madhouse.

For those that might be interested, we've been playing Risk and also D&D - The Fantasy Adventure Board Game. I must say, compared to the mathematical-excursion that is 'real Dungeons & Dragons' this version plays quickly and is great as a pick up game with little or no knowledge required! so, kudos to the games designers for that.

Below are a few snapshots of that game..

Some Intense purple action!

Drink, dice & dungeons. 

The single worst roll of the night
(this roll has zero effect)

The action in this shot is
almost too much to handle.

Stunning stuff!!!
whatever it is that's happening?

You can find out more about D&D - T.F.A.B.G at Board Game Geeks!

Now.. lets move past the amuse bouche and onto the main course ...

More Doom!