This sector, apparently of some importance judging by the size of the lobby they now find themselves in, is already crawling with Imps and Zombies... each corner of the entryway something moves to intercept them... their quick reactions and ever growing prowess deftly dispatches the demonic beings, leaving the marines alone in the lobby, the beeping of Mars base intercoms and the buzz of static and emergency lighting their only companions.
Noises not of this world sound in the dimly lit recesses of the large open hydroponics lab, several Mancubi shuffle dazedly on the far side of the room, Imps dash forward to claw at the marines, but a flick of the wrists a few dice rolls later, Marty has everything under control his 'killer instinct' showing just why he's Marine of the UAC. Denz and Ace veer off to check a dying scientists...
Denz, realising his lack of foresight was left to fight the demonic hoards with nothing more than his trusty side-arm pistol, but lack of fire-power was not enough to stop the fearless commander of this marine force as he drops even a mighty cacodemon with two well placed shots. For their efforts in fighting their way to the scientists they are rewarded as with her last breath the lab technician gives them the phrase "PLUGH" .... [seriously .. that's in the game...] Marty on the other side of the room while wrestling an Archvile to the floor via means of a shotgun to the face, also finds a more than talkative science chappy, after much predictable "i'm dying" rhetoric, he too comes forth with what he claims is part of a pass-code.
Onward they plough monsters falling around them like so much torn confetti into the next section awarded by the challenge of a Hellknight and the rigmarole of having to clear away the lesser daemons like flotsam is wiped off a stagnant pond.
The team made it as far as 'Section 3' which seems more like a rush to grab XP than a fearful exploration of unknown territory, the long corridor filled with weak and easily slain smaller daemons was very quickly made clear by use of grenades and hails of bullets.
As Marty ran for the teleporters at the end, Ace and Denz put the final few (very necessary) holes into a spawned Hellknight, at which point, our attention turned to more important matters...
The massive fry up we were having!
The game was 'paused' and we ended our evening enjoying Bacon, beans, sausage.. heck.. the works!
Until next time ...